Nurse Aide

Classes designed with the adult learner in mind!
This 84-hour program is offered as a pre-requisite program for our Practical Nursing program and provides training in basic nursing care by the use of classroom instruction, lab practice, and actual clinical experience. The content follows guidelines mandated by the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Department of Education.
Emphasis is placed on attitudes and behaviors of nurse aides working with the elderly and how to assist the elderly in maintaining the highest level of functioning possible.
This program teaches you valuable skills and helps you prepare for the STNA Nurse Aide State Test.
Topics Included
- Resident rights
- CPR Certification
- Death and dying
- Effective communication
- Feeding the patient
- How to manage emotional stress
- Safety issues
- Proper handwashing
- Body mechanics
- Proper bed making
- Nutritional needs of the elderly

Contact Us
Contact us with questions or to request more information.
Billie Fields-Baer, Program Instructor
Email:[email protected]
Contact Us
Central Ohio Nursing
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Central Ohio Nursing
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Directions/Find Us
Our Campus is in Marion, Ohio. We’re an easy commute from anywhere in Central Ohio. We are located at: [google directions]
2227 Marion-Mt. Gilead Road.
Marion, OH 43302